
K8S Image Pre Puller


It’s a simple kubernetes operator that will help you automatically pre-pull docker images on nodes. This operator can be used for speed-up pod initialization in cluster.

How to use


// TODO: Install instructions

Create PrePullImage

When operator installed in cluster you can simply create resources like this:

apiVersion: v1
kind: PrePullImage
  name: my-cool-image-pre-pull
  namespace: my-namespace
  image: "gcr.io/my-cool-image"
  nodeSelector: {} # You can specify selectors for pre-pull only on particular nodes

This operator automatically will create a DaemonSet for create pre-pulling pods on every existing node.

IMPORTANT: This operator creates a DaemonSet and it will create Pod’s in cluster - this pods will consume resources according to configuration. It’s important to have monitoring about this resources.